Frank A. Zdarsky
  Address   DISCO | Distributed Computer Systems Lab
Computer Science Department
University of Kaiserslautern
PO box 3049, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
  E-mail   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Interests and Projects

My research vision is the creation of a virtual wireless access network consisting of wireless LANs from different administrative domains, which cooperate in order to utilize radio resources most efficiently. To this end, my work currently focuses on

  • decentralized mechanisms for coordination of wireless LANs and
  • seamless inter-domain mobility.

I am particularly interested in performance aspects, but also in security aspects in this context.

Furthermore, I am the main developer of the DISCO Network Calculator, a Java-based network calculus library, and have worked on various extensions to the MadWiFi Linux kernel device driver for Wireless LAN cards based on Atheros chipsets.


Teaching Activities

I have been a teaching assistant in the following courses: 

  • Development of Software-Systems III – Concurrent Programming (Winter 2003)
  • System-Software (Winter 2004, 2005)
  • Communication Systems (Summer 2005, 2006, 2007)
  • Mobility in Distributed Systems (Summer 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
  • Performance Modeling of Distributed Systems (Summer 2004)
  • Mobile Computing Seminar (Winter 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
  • Distributed Systems Seminar (Summer 2007)

Professional Activities

I have been involved in the organization of the following conferences and workshops:

Furthermore, I have been TPC member of or reviewer for the following conferences, workshops and journals:

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