Breaking Authentication in the Iridium Network
Author: Max Lill
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Eric Jedermann, Jens Schmitt
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Security Analysis of Device-Authentication in the Iridium Satellite Network
Author: Michele Klein
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Eric Jedermann, Jens Schmitt
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Exploring and Modeling Radio Signal Propagation Effects using ADS-B Signals
Author: Marc Kraft, Markus Espen, Mischa Helfenstein
Form: Project
Advisor: Matthias Schäfer
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Generalized Process Sharing in the Stochastic Network Calculus
Author: Lukas Wildberger
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt, Paul Nikolaus
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Application of Network Calculus in IEEE Time-Sensitive Networks: Modeling and End-to-End Analysis
Author: Anja Hamscher
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt, Paul Nikolaus
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Towards an Improved Performance Analysis of Deficit Round Robin in the Network Calculus
Author: Vlad-Cristian Constantin
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt, Paul Nikolaus
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On Practical Considerations of the Statistical Network Calculus: Data Aggregation, Traffic Analysis, and Backlog Bounds
Author: Meris Honsic
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt, Paul Nikolaus
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On Practical Considerations of the Statistical Network Calculus: Traffic Measurement, Distribution Fitting, and Backlog Bounds
Author: Ken Klapp
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt, Paul Nikolaus
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Design of a secure e-bike control based on Bluetooth Low Energy
Author: Eric Jedermann
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Lukas Tremper (Sigma-Elektro Neustadt), Jens Schmitt
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Cooperative Aviation Security Models for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Author: Johannes Jaeckel
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Carolina Nogueira, Jens Schmitt
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Evaluation of Design Aspects of Data Link Layer Fingerprinting of Aircraft Transponders
Author: David Staub
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Matthias Schäfer, Jens Schmitt
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Authentication and Integrity for ADS-B: Design and Implementation of a Security Model for Air Traffic Control Signals
Author: Markus Fögen
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Carolina Nogueira, Jens Schmitt
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Deterministic Performance Analysis of FIFO-multiplexing Feed-forward Networks
Author: Alexander Scheffler
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Steffen BondorfJens Schmitt
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Modelling and Analysis of Timing Constraints of an Industrial Control System
Author: Malte Schütze
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Mathias Kreider (GSI Darmstadt), Jens Schmitt
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Stochastic Performance Bounds for Independent Regulated Traffic in Queueing Networks
Author: Paul Nikolaus
Form: Master Thesis, jointly with the Department of Mathematics
Advisor: Ralf KornJens Schmitt
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DiscoWall: Design And Implementation Of A Firewall For Android Phones
Author: Brian Tewanima Löwe
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Matthias SchäferJens Schmitt
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Design und Evaluierung eines mobilen ADS-B Empfängers
Author: Markus Gräb
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Matthias SchäferJens Schmitt
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Applying Stochastic Network Calculus in Scenarios with Incomplete Knowledge
Author: Sebastian Henningsen
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Michael BeckJens Schmitt
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Design and Analysis of VeriFly - A Trajectory Verification Method based on RSS sampling
Author: Matthias Schäfer
Form: Master Thesis, jointly with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford
Advisor: Ivan MartinovicJens Schmitt
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Who do you sync you are? Smartphone Fingerprinting based on Application Behaviour
Author: Tim Stöber
Form: Master Thesis, jointly with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oxford
Advisor: Ivan MartinovicJens Schmitt
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Design and Implementation of an Android-based Botnet
Author: Andreas Borgwart
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt
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Effects and Factors of Network Instability
Author: Daniel S. Berger
Form: Bachelor Thesis, jointly with the Networks and Distributed Systems Group, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Advisor: Martin KarstenJens Schmitt
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DISCOmfort: A Tool For Practical Security Analysis Of Mifare RFID Systems
Author: Markus Fuchs
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Ivan MartinovicJens Schmitt
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Efficient Wireless Traffic Classification using Software-defined Radio
Author: Gregor Dschung
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Ivan MartinovicMatthias WilhelmJens Schmitt
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Implementierung einer funkbasierten Schlüsselgenerierung für drahtlose Sensornetzwerke
Author: Matthias Schäfer
Form: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Matthias WilhelmJens Schmitt
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Implementation and Analysis of a Key Generation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Author: Matthias Wilhelm
Form: Diploma Thesis
Advisor: Ivan MartinovicJens Schmitt
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Wireless Network Calculus - Modeling and Analyzing Retransmission-based Wireless Link using Network Calculus
Author: Hao Wang
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt
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Computation of Tight Bounds in Networks of Arbitrary Schedulers
Author: Andreas Kiefer
Form: Master Thesis
Advisor: Jens Schmitt
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