Dipl.-Math. Michael Beck
  Address   DISCO | Distributed Computer Systems Lab
Computer Science Department
University of Kaiserslautern
PO box 3049, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
  E-mail   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Publication List

Full list of publications.

Research Interests

  • Stochastic network calculus:
    • Window flow control
    • Arrival and Service Models
    • Tool support and feed-forward networks (see DISCO Stochastic Network Calculator)
    • Statistics in SNC
    • Further methods and SNC (extreme value theory, actuarial mathematics, Copulas...)
    • Applicatoin of SNC in new fields (smart grids, production networks, traffic control, caching networks...)
  • Performance evaluation and modeling of distributed systems
  • Queueing systems
  • Communication systems
  • Stochastic performance guarantees (QoS)
  • Modeling of wireless sensor networks


DISCO Stochastic Network Calulator

A First Course to Stochastic Network Calculus



Presentation at Conferences

CDC 2016 December 12-14th Las Vegas, USA
VALUETOOLS 2016 October 26-28th Taormina, Italy
Networks 2016 (Best Paper Award) September 26-28th Montreal, Canada
WoNeCa 2016 April 6th Münster, Germany
VALUETOOLS 2015 December 14-16th Berlin, Germany
Dagstuhl Seminar on Network Calculus 2015 March, 8-11th Dagstuhl, Germany
INFOCOM 2014 April 27th - May 2nd Toronto, Canada
VALUETOOLS 2013 December 10-12th Torino, Italy
VALUETOOLS 2012 October 9-12th Cargese, France
DCOSS 2012 May 16-18th Hangzhou, China
DCOSS 2011 June 27-29th Barcelona, Spain
PERFORMANCE 2010 November 15-19th Namur, Belgium

Teaching Activities

Teaching assistant in the courses:

  • Stochastic Analysis of Distributed Systems (2015/16)
  • Worst-Case Analysis of Distributed Systems (2014/15)
  • Quantitative Aspects of Distributed Systems (2014, 2015)
  • Performance Modeling of Distributed Systems (2013/2014)
  • Communication Systems (2011, 2012).
  • Security in Distributed Systems (2010/11, 2011/12).

Supervised Theses

Yinhua Xu Achieving Robustness in MSN by scheduling the measurements
Simon Birnbach and Sebastian Henningsen Applying Stochastic Network Calculus in Scenarios with Incomplete Knowledge
Ahmed Alsaedi Optimization Methods for Stochastic Network Calculus Performance Bounds

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University of Kaiserslautern

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