distributed computer systems


Steffen Reithermann
Address Steffen Reithermann
University of Kaiserslautern
Department of Computer Science
LG IS / LG SS, Building 36
P.O. Box 3049
D-67653 Kaiserslautern
Phone +49.631.205.3296
Fax +49 631 205 3286
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location Building 36, room 313

Technical support and administration

  • Network and systems administration
  • IT planning and network design
  • IT and network security issues
  • Support for research and teaching
  • Procurement and inventory
  • Facility management: rooms, keys, phones etc.
  • Occupational health and safety (CS department's safety officer "Sicherheitsbeauftragter", first aider "Ersthelfer", fire warden "Brandschutzhelfer")
  • Long-term member of the faculty council "Fachbereichsrat" (February 1995 - January 2008)
    and the budget committee "Haushaltskommission" (until February 2017)
  • Member of the senate committee for IT service "Senatskommission für DV-Service" (February 2017 - to date)
  • Cisco Networking Academy / Cisco NetSpace Administrator & Instructor
  • Palo Alto Networks Academy Administrator & Instructor
  • PlanetLab Technical Contact / Administrator
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA),
    Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCAI)
  • IBM Certified Database Administrator (DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX and Windows),
    IBM Certified Database Associate (DB2 9 Fundamentals)



Matthias Wilhelm
  Address   DISCO | Distributed Computer Systems Lab
Computer Science Department
University of Kaiserslautern
PO box 3049, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
  E-mail   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Interests

  • Security in Wireless Networks (WLAN, WSN, RFID)
  • Cross-layer security designs (e.g., using physical characteristics)
    • Selective Jamming
    • Wireless Key Generation
  • Software-defined radio (SDR)

Research Projects

  • DiscoSec — Authentication for all IEEE 802.11 frames
  • Wireless key generation using signal transmission properties
  • WiFire — A "Wireless Firewall" to protect wireless networks against injection of malicious transmissions


Upcoming Conferences


Past Conferences

ACM SIGCOMM '11 August 15–19 Toronto, Canada
ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec '11) June 15–17 Hamburg, Germany
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN '11) Feb. 23–25 Bonn, Germany
Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec '10) October 5–8 Kyoto, Japan
European Reconfigurable Radio Workshop (Wireless Innovation F.) June 23–25 Mainz, Germany
12. Kryptotag der GI Fachgruppe "Angewandte Kryptographie" April 9th Karlsruhe, Germany
ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec '10) March 22–24 Hoboken, NJ, USA
European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN '10) Feb. 17–19 Coimbra, Portugal



  • Graduate 2nd Place in ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals 2012
  • ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) Graduate 1st Place @ SIGCOMM 2011
  • EWSN 2010/CONET M.Sc. Academic Award for my Diploma Thesis on wireless key generation

Current Theses


Finished Theses

Reiner Herrmann Adapting DiscoSec to use the mac80211 Protocol Stack (BA)
Daniel Poh TinySec 2.x—TinySec on the TinyOS 2.x Platform (BA)
Matthias Schäfer KeyGen WSN—Development of a Standalone Implementation of our WSN Key Generation Protocol based on Physical Channel Properties (BA)
Tim Stöber Traffic Analysis using Software-defined Radios in an Airport Scenario (BA)
Sven Oliver Kreis Jamming in Wireless Networks—Implementation of Different Jamming Techniques using SDR and Evaluation of the Effectiveness in Real-world Scenarios (DA)
Stefan Dyckmans Real-time Classification of Wireless Communication Using Software-defined Radios(MA)
Gregor Dschung Efficient Wireless Traffic Classification using Software-defined Radio (BA)
Nitin Makhloga Performance Evaluation and Security Analysis of WiFire in a Wireless Sensor Network Scenario (MA)


  • Seminar on Mobile Computing (Winter 2008)
  • Seminar on Distributed Systems (Summer 2009)
  • Exercises of Security in Distributed Systems (Winter 2009)
  • Seminar on Mobile Computing (Winter 2009)

Resources on Technical Writing

  • Interesting talk on paper writing.
  • Tips on electronic publishing by Markus Kuhn.
  • Writing guidelines by Jean-Yves Le Boudec.
  • Common mistakes in writing and editing by Henning Schulzrinne.
  • A collection of pitfalls in editing technical papers
  • Some hints on writing abstracts.
  • A link collection with advice on research and, writing and presentations.
  • A collection of grammar websites.
Hao Wang
  Address   DISCO | Distributed Computer Systems Lab
Computer Science Department
University of Kaiserslautern
PO box 3049, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
  E-mail   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I have received my Dr.-Ing. of Computer Science from the TU Kaiserslautern in 2015 (supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens B. Schmitt and Prof. Dr. Florin Ciucu). Currently, I am a post-doctoral research assistant.

Research Interests

  • (Stochastic) Network Calculus
  • Modelling and Analysis of Fundamental Performance Problems in Networked Systems
  • Performance Analyses in Wireless Networks, IoT, Vehicle Networks, SDN/NFV

Research Project

CAFLOTRA: A calculus for networks with flow transformations. DFG funded.

SeNeCa: A calculus to the deterministic and stochastic performance analysis of sensor networks. DFG funded.


Find a complete publication list here.


Supervisor of Seminar Mobile Computing (WS 11/12, WS 13/14), Seminar Distributed Systems (SS 10, SS 11), teaching assistant of Quantitative Aspects of Distributed Systems (SS 14), Communication System (SS 15), Stochastic Analysis of Distributed Systems (WS 15/16).

Professional Services

Tools Chair of MMB & DFT 2012, Reviewer for several international conferences including INFOCOM, Networking, VALUETOOLS, MMB & DFT, ICNP, RTSS, ICC, ICCCN, WCSP.

Research Visits

University of Warwick (2014), Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs), Berlin (2010, 2011)


  • Dagstuhl Seminar Network Calculus 2015
  • MMB & DFT 2014 (WoNeCa-2)
  • ITC 2013
  • MMB & DFT 2012 (WoNeCa-1)
  • INFOCOM 2011
  • MMB & DFT 2010
Matthias Schäfer
Address DISCO | Distributed Computer Systems Lab
Computer Science Department
University of Kaiserslautern
PO box 3049, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Phone +49.631.205.3297
Fax +49.631.205.3289
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (PGP Key)
Location Building 36, room 427
Consultation Hours: By appointment via email only

I am currently a lecturer and researcher at DISCO. Until 2018, I was a PhD student supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens B. Schmitt. Before that, I worked for the Information Technology and Cyberspace group of armasuisse S+T and visited the University of Oxford (hosted by Prof. Ivan Martinovic) in 2012. I am also a co-founder of the OpenSky Network association and managing director of SeRo Systems GmbH.

Research Activities

Interest & Focus

    • Wireless Communication
    • Wireless Security
    • Air Traffic Communication
    • Big Data
    • Sensor Networks
    • Crowdsourcing
    • Radio Navigation
    • Positioning
    • Signal processing

Selected Publications

Secure Motion Verification using the Doppler Effect [pdf]
Matthias Schäfer, Patrick Leu, Vincent Lenders, Jens B. Schmitt
ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, July 2016

Secure Track Verification [pdf]
Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Jens B. Schmitt
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2015

Realities and Challenges of NextGen Air Traffic Management: The Case of ADS-B [pdf]
Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic
IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2014

Bringing Up OpenSky: A Large-scale ADS-B Sensor Network for Research [pdf | slides]
Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Vincent Lenders, Ivan Martinovic, and Matthias Wilhelm
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Berlin, Germany, April 2014

show all    Google Scholar    dblp

Posters & Demos

Title Conference PDF
Challenges in NextGen Air Traffic Management (Invited Poster) NDSS '14 Poster
OpenSky: A Large−scale ADS−B Sensor Network for Research (Demo) IPSN '14 Abstract
Secure Path Verification using Mobility-Differentiated ToA (Poster) WiSec '14 Abstract, Poster
Security By Mobility in Location and Track Verification WiSec '15 Abstract, Poster
Localization of Spoofing Devices using a Large-scale Air Traffic Surveillance System AsiaCCS '17 Abstract



Theses & Projects

There are currently no open projects.



  • 2011: Security Award of the Swiss department of defense
  • 2014: Best demo award 1st runner up of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
  • 2014: Student travel grant for the ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec)
  • 2015: Best paper award of the IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
  • 2015: Cyber award for outstanding scientific contributions of armasuisse (1st Place)
  • 2016: Cyber award for outstanding scientific contributions of armasuisse (3rd Place)
  • 2017: Cyber award for outstanding scientific contributions of armasuisse (1st Place)
  • 2019: Preis des Freundeskreises 2018 für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten
  • 2020: GI/ITG MMB-Dissertationspreis 2020 (best MMB dissertation 2018/2019)
  • 2020: Best of session & best of (ATM: Machine Learning & Automation) track award of the IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
  • 2022: CS Student Association award for best rated lecture (Network Security) winter semester 2020/21


Name Place Date
ACNS '13 Banff, Alberta, Canada June 25-28, 2013
CCS '13 Berlin, Germany November 4-8, 2013
IPSN '14 Berlin, Germany April 15-17, 2014
WiSec '14 Oxford, United Kingdom July 23-25, 2014
S&P '15 San Jose, CA, USA May 18-20, 2015
WiSec '15 New York, USA June 22-26, 2015
DASC '15 Prague, Czech Republic September 13-17, 2015
OpenSkyWS '15 Oxford, United Kingdom November, 26-27, 2015
DASC '16 Sacramento, USA September, 25-29, 2016
OpenSkyWS '16 Oxford, United Kingdom November, 24-25, 2016
OpenSkyWS '17 Kaiserslautern, Germany November, 23-24, 2017


Wint Yi Poe
  I recently joined the Huawei European Research Centre (ERC) in Munich. Please use emails as primary form of contact.
  E-mail   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Research Interests
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Network Modeling and Performance Evaluation


Publications [ Google Scholar Profile ]

  1. Abrahale Tewelde, Wint Yi Poe, and Jens B. Schmitt. An Analytical Model of a Hybrid Network of Static and Mobile Sensors. In Proceedings of the 9th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC). November 2013. [ pdf ]
  2. Wint Yi Poe. Design Problems in Large-Scale,Time-Sensitive WSNs. PhD thesis, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2013. [ pdf ]
  3. Wint Yi Poe, Michael Beck, and Jens B. Schmitt. Achieving High Lifetime and Low Delay in Very Large Sensor Networks using Mobile Sinks. In The 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS '12), Hangzhou, China, May 2012. [ pdf ]
  4. Wint Yi Poe, Michael Beck, and Jens B. Schmitt. Achieving High Lifetime and Low Delay in Very Large Sensor Networks using Mobile Sinks. Technical Report 385/11. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2011. [ pdf ]
  5. Wint Yi Poe, Michael Beck, and Jens B. Schmitt. Planning the Trajectories of Multiple Mobile Sinks in Large-Scale, Time-Sensitive WSNs. In The 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2011), Barcelona, Spain, June 2011. [ pdf ]
  6. Wint Yi Poe, Michael Beck, and Jens B. Schmitt. Planning the Trajectories of Multiple Mobile Sinks in Large-Scale, Time-Sensitive WSNs. Technical Report 381/11. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, February 2011. [ pdf ]
  7. Wint Yi Poe and Jens B. Schmitt. Sink Placement without Location Information in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2009. ACM. [ pdf ]
  8. Wint Yi Poe and Jens B. Schmitt. Node Deployment in Large Wireless Sensor Networks:Coverage, Energy Consumption, and Worst-Case Delay. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2009. ACM. [ pdf ]
  9. Wint Yi Poe and Jens B. Schmitt. Self-Organized Sink Placement in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems(MASCOTS 2009), pages 629–631, London, UK, September 2009. IEEE. [ pdf ]
  10. Wint Yi Poe and Jens B. Schmitt. Placing Multiple Sinks in Time-Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks using a Genetic Algorithm. In 14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008), Dortmund, Germany, March 2008. GI/ITG. [ pdf]
  11. Wint Yi Poe and Jens B. Schmitt. Minimizing the Maximum Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks by Intelligent Sink Placement. Technical Report 362/07. University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2007. [ pdf ]




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