This seminar focuses on research issues in the fields of distributed computing and computer networking. You will be able to practice working on current research literature, presenting a scientific topic of your interest, and your programming ability as all presentations have to be supported by a java applet (or HTML5.. at your choice). Skills required include basic knowledge on computer networks and English proficiency.

Department, Module ID Computer Science (89) – 4111: Distributed and Networked Systems (Ba-Seminar)
KIS-Entry INF-41-11-S-4
presence hours, CP seminar (2S), 4 CP
Kick-Off Meeting: May 12, 17:15 in room 36-438
Slides of the Kick-Off Meeting pdf
Pick your papers: May 14
Meet up with advisor: May 28
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables: June 18
Final Submission deadline: July 2
Presentation day: July 9 in room 36-336 (third floor seminar room, not fourth floor)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt,

Daniel Berger,

or follow us on Twitter


1 Lest We Remember: Cold Boot Attacks on Encryption Keys Sebastian Dahnert pdf 10:40 AM

The Parrot is Dead: Observing Unobservable Network Communications

Simon Birnbach

pdf 11:30 AM

Queuing Network Models for Multi-Channel P2P Live Streaming Systems

4 User-Level Performance of Channel-Aware Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Data Networks   pdf  
5 Dynamic Right-Sizing for Power-Proportional Data Centers   pdf  
6 Whole-Home Gesture Recognition Using Wireless Signals Tobias Krafft pdf  
7 Capacity of multi-channel wireless networks with random (c, f) assignment   pdf  
8 Improving the Data Delivery Latency in Sensor Networks with Controlled Mobility   pdf  
9 Efficient network flooding and time synchronization with Glossy Sandor Dalecke pdf  
10 ParkNet: drive-by sensing of road-side parking statistics Philipp Schon pdf 12:20 PM
11 Multi-Resource Allocation: Fairness-Efficiency Tradeoffs in a Unifying Framework   pdf  
12 On the Steady-State of Cache Networks Lukas Görlach pdf 09:50 AM
13 The K Factor: Inferring Protocol Performance Using Inter-link Reception Correlation   pdf  
14 AVEKSHA: A Hardware-Software Approach for Non-intrusive Tracing and Profiling of Wireless Embedded Systems   pdf  
15 TDMA-basierte Multicast-QoS-Routing-Ansätze für Ad-Hoc-Netze      


Presentation Day

July 9 in room 36-336 (third floor seminar room, not fourth floor)

Johann Gebhardt   08:45 AM
Lukas Görlach pdf 09:50 AM
Sebastian Dahnert pdf 10:40 AM

Simon Birnbach

pdf 11:30 AM
Philipp Schon pdf 12:20 PM


Guidelines for the applet (if using Java)

To ensure that your applet runs properly, make sure to keep to those guidelines:

Use the Sun runtime environment for testing. Alternative JREs like OpenJVM, GCJ, or Apple's implementation might have quirks that make them incompatible with the system used for the presentation.

The final applet should come as an HTML file that only embeds the applet with the proper size, and a JAR file containing all binaries, source code, and resources necessary to build and run the applet.

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