
Some new slides for short-term performance management  are online. 

The exercises will be on Thursday 11:45 - 13:15 in room 36/438.

IMPORTANT: we changed the class room to 36/438!

Course Overview

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the basics of performance managment in communication networks on multiple time-scales. The contents are as follows:

1. Introduction & Motivation
2. Long-Term Performance Management
Network Design
Traffic Modelling
3. Medium-Term Performance Management
Traffic Engineering / Routing
Content Distribution / Caching
4. Short-Term Performance Management
Packet-Level Dynamics
Packet Scheduling
5. Conclusion and Outlook


Lecture: On Tuesdays at 11:45h–13:15h in 36/438 starting on April 22nd, 2014
Exercise: Exercises are held on a biweekly basis. Dates on exercises will be announced.

The oral exam dates are: 28th of July and 2nd of October.

Make sure that you register for Quantas. By all means do not register for MDS (Mobility in Distributed Systems) - it is a different lecture.

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt

Dipl.-Math. Michael Beck


Lecture Slides

Chapter Title Slides
0 Organization pdf
1 Introduction pdf
2 Long-Term Performance Management (part 1)


  Long-Term Performance Management (part 2)


  Wireless Sensor Network Design (expert talk by Dr. Wint Yi Poe)


  Long-Term Performance Management (part 3)


3 Medium-Term Performance Management (part 1+2, all of routing)


  Medium-Term Performance Management (part 3)


4 Short-Term Performance Management (part1)


  Short-Term Performance Management (part2)


  Short-Term Performance Management (part3)


Exercise Sheets

We strongly recommend you to work on the exercises, since they are crucial to get a good grasp on math-affine lectures.

We recommend to go to the exercises fully prepared, meaning: you should be able to present your solutions to the other students on the blackboard.

For programming exercises we recommend the usage of the statistical software R (see

Sheet Session Date Links
Sheet 1, Supplement 15th of May, 2014. 11:45 in 36/438  positions.txt, positions2.txt, R-files
Sheet 2 5th of June, 2014, 11:45 in 36/438  
Sheet 3 12th of June, 2014, 11:45 in 36/438 node-incidence.txt, capacities.txt, demands.txt
Sheet 4 10th of July 2014, 11:45 in 36/438  


  • TBD

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