
This seminar focuses on research issues in software-defined networking (SDN), which currently evolves into a paradigm shift in how we build and manage computer networks. Here are a few links to introductions:

You will be able to practice working on current research literature, presenting a scientific topic, and your programming ability. The latter is crucial for your grade as all presentations have to be supported by an interactive visualization of an important aspect of your paper.

As a prerequisite, we assume students of the seminar have basic knowledge on computer networks and good English proficiency. Literature and presentations will be in English.

Department, ModuleID Computer Science (89) – 4271 Mobile Computing (Seminar)
KIS-Entry INF-42-71-S-7 (only valid during winter term 2014/2015)
presence hours, CP Seminar (2S), 4 CP
Kick-Off Meeting: November 4, 17:15h in room 36-438
Slides of the Kick-Off Meeting presentation.pdf

Daniel Berger,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt, our official twitter account



1) Presentation

  • prepare slides for a presentation of 30 minutes (+/-2 minutes) + presenting your interactive visualization in about 5 minutes, and a Q&A of about 10 minutes (for a total of 45 minutes)
  • use academic slide guidelines as in "How to prepare and deliver a presentation"
  • plain, high-contrast slides, e.g., by using one of the disco templates
  • spell check your English

2) Interactive Visualization

The visualization should

  • focus on one (or a limited few) aspects of your paper
  • be interactive
  • be coded by yourself, but you may use library support without restrictions.

Here are some simple animation libraries for HTML5+JS:

You may also use Java Applets/ ... whatever runs in a major browser (best case: without requiring plugins).

3) Related Work Section

  • describe the context of the papers you'll present
  • 1500 - 2000 words, 2-5 pages
  • use the Latex IEEEtran template in the conference format (bare_conf)
  • you should cite about 10-15 papers (ask your advisor)


Seminar Topics and Deadlines

Group 1 (Presentations on December 15 in 36-265)

Meet up with advisor:   November 12
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables:   November 24, 11.59pm
Final Submission deadline:   December 8, 11.59pm
Presentation Day of Group 1 (see below)   December 15, 9am - approx. 1pm in 36-265


1 Historic Overview, why SDNs?, Standardization

OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks, SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2008

A Survey of software-defined networking: past, present, and future of programmable networks, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, 2014

OpenFlow Switch Specification 1.4.0, Open Networking Foundation, 2013

Enes Kurtanovic

Daniel Berger

2 Systems view: Controllers

NOX: towards an operating system for networks, SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2008

Towards an Elastic Distributed SDN Controller, HotSDN, 2013

Muhamad Fahru Rozi

Michael Beck

3 Achieving Scalability

Devoflow: scaling flow management for high-performance networks, SIGCOMM, 2011

Sandor Dalecke

Hao Wang

5 Hardware Design Hey, you darned counters!: get off my ASIC!, HotSDN, 2012 Markus Gräb Daniel Berger

Group 2 (Presentations on January 12 in 36-336)

Meet up with advisor:   December 8
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables:   December 22, 11.59pm
Final Submission deadline:   January 5, 11.59pm
Presentation Day of Group 2 (see below)   January 12, 9am - 1pm in 36-336


6 Traffic Engineering

Traffic engineering in software defined networks (acc. req. uni-IP), INFOCOM, 2013

B4: Experience with a globally-deployed software defined WAN, SIGCOMM, 2013

Subin Joseph

Wint Yi Poe

7 Green Computing Software defined green data center network with exclusive routing, INFOCOM, 2014 Chotala Paresh Wint Yi Poe
8 Enterprise Networking Problems Meet SDN and the Cloud

Making middleboxes someone else's problem: network processing as a cloud, SIGCOMM, 2012

Daniel Danger

Hao Wang

9 Achieving "More" Security with SDNs

FRESCO: Modular Composable Security Services for Software-Defined Networks, NDSS, 2013

Markus Fögen

Matthias Schäfer

10 DDoS Attack Detection Lightweight DDoS flooding attack detection using NOX/OpenFlow (acc. req. uni-IP), IEEE LCN, 2010

Denial-of-service attack-detection techniques (acc. req. uni-IP), IEEE Internet Computing, 2006

InfoSec Institute Blog Post

Yannick Krück Daniel Berger

Group 3 (Presentations on Januaray 19 in 36-336)

Meet up with advisor:   December 15
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables:   December 29, 11.59pm
Final Submission deadline:   January 12, 11.59pm
Presentation Day of Group 3 (see below)   January 19, 9am - approx. 1pm in 36-336
11 Debugging Networks

Where Is the Debugger for My Software-Defined Network?, HotSDN 2012

Sebastian Lang

Michael Beck

13 Formal Verification

Header Space Analysis: Static Checking for Networks, NSDI, 2012

Sebastian Schweizer

Steffen Bondorf

15 Security Problems within SDNs

Openflow vulnerability assessment, HotSDN, 2013

Towards secure and dependable software-defined networks, HotSDN, 2013.

Florian Tack

Matthias Schäfer

*(acc. req. uni-IP)* indicates that there is no open-access version of this paper available. The link goes to a publisher, which either requires you to pay or to use the university subscription. The later is free of charge - however, this only works if you're connecting to the server from within the university IP range (e.g., by using Eduroam WiFi, one of the terminal-room computers, or a VPN connection).

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