
The website went online! (April 9th)

Kick-Off Meeting: May 2nd (Mon.), 17:15 in 36-438. Here are the slides (PDF).
KIS-Entry: INF-42-71-S-7 (the name in KIS is to be modified)
Contact: Dr. Hao Wang, Prof. Dr. Jens Schmitt, our official tweeter


Every summer semester, the DISCO group offers a seminar with focus on performance and security aspects of communication networks. This summer, we lean our focus onto the performance aspects, more concretely, the foundation of performance modelling and analysis of communication networks. We do seminar on communication system from a wider perspective - distributed discrete event system.

You will practice your skills of scientifically surveying a topic, writing an essay, discussing with peers, and presenting your opinions on the topics. If you are interested in participating in our seminar, please stay tuned.


The seminar is organized in a typical computer science research conference manner. It consists of four phases:

  1. Submission phase: submit your essays to the conference according to the submission guidelines. Incomplete submission will be regarded as fail of the seminar.
  2. Review phase: After the submission deadline has passed, all submissions will be read, commented, and rated by members of the program committee (PC). For this seminar, the program committee consists of all authors. The reviewing process is single-blind. The essays to be reviewed will be assigned by the PC chairs, i.e., the advisors. The authors will be notified whether the essays are accepted for presentation.
  3. Revision phase: correct errors and prepare for the camera-ready version.
  4. Presentation phase: make your presentation slides, present them, and join the discuss with others.

All phases will be rated.

Important Dates

Kick-off meeting: May 2nd, 17:15 in 36-438

First meet with your advisor, before May 13th

Submission deadline (firm): June 12th, CET 12.00 pm

Review: June 15th - 24th

Notification date: June 28th

Camera-ready version: July 6th 

Presentation: July 13th, 13:00, room 36-338

Call for Submissions

You are expected to submit introductory, explanatory, and surveying essays on the topics important to distributed discrete event systems:

  • Petri Nets
  • Timed Automata
  • Discrete Time Markov Chains
  • Queueing Theory
  • General Simulation of Discrete Systems

Submission Guidelines

In order to be accepted for the review process, your essay must strictly conform with the following regulations. Violations will result in exclusion from the seminar.

The essay must be in English. All final submissions should have a length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font), including figures and references. Essays must be a PDF file written using LaTeX and formatted as the standard IEEE double-column transaction template IEEEtran with settings “\documentclass[10pt, conference, letterpaper]{IEEEtran}”. Submissions should be uploaded on .

Before submission you would register to if you are not yet registered. On registration, EasyChair requires you to enter your address. If you feel uncomfortable with providing your data to EasyChair (although it is a reputable platform), please do not hesitate entering e.g. the address of the TU Kaiserslautern instead of your private one.

Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct. If you refer to information from other sources directly or indirectly, indicate the original source carefully using references. We will use plagiarism detection tools, so make sure you do not copy without referencing the source. For referencing and bibliography examples, please check e.g. the papers referenced in the IEEE Transactions.


Book: Introduction to Discrete Event Systems (2. Ed.) by Cassandras and Lafortune.

Write your thesis with a disco advisor

We offer a variety of bachelor and master theses at any point in the academic year. Also check out some of our completed theses. Read more...

University of Kaiserslautern

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