Course Overview

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the art of performance-related modeling of complex distributed systems. We will use worst-case assumptions in order to obtain robust results.



see details below


Fridays, 10:00-11:30 in 11/262
Official module entry: [89-4256] INF-42-56-V7
This semester's KIS entry: WoCADS


Dr. Steffen Bondorf
Prof. Dr. Jens Schmitt
or follow us on Twitter: Disco_Teaching and Disco_NetCalc 


  • The exam will be oral. Each student will be allocated a time slot for his/her exam.
  • We offer three dates to choose from
    • 23 February 2017 or
    • 04 April 2017 or
    • 26 April 2017
  • Please get a time slot from our secretary Mrs. Gerber. Her office is in building 36, room 430.
    • This is not the official exam registration!
    • It only reserves your time slot with using order to avoid collisions.
    • Time slots are assigned first come, first served.
  • It is your responsibility to officially register your exam at the examination office.
    • Note, that there are official deadlines to do so.

Lecture Material

The lecture material is only accessible from within the university network (131.246.*). Please use SSH or VPN for remote access.

Slides  Script     Additional Material
03_MinPlusPrimer (updated) Script 2016/11/11 (v2) Script 2016/11/18 (v3) Changelog
04_DNC-Curves (updated) Script 2016/12/02 and 2016/12/09 (v2) Changelog
05_DNC-Bounds Script 2016/12/16 and 2017/01/06 (v3) Changelog Bounds_(animated)
PPTX(*) ODP(**) 
06_Concatenation Script 2017/01/06 and 2017/01/13  
07_Scheduling (updated) Script 2017/01/13 to 27 (v2) Changelog
08-1_NetworkAnalysis1 (2nd update fixes indices on slides 94 and 104)     animated_slides
PPTX(*) ODP(**)
08-2_NetworkAnalysis2 Script 2017/02/03 and 10 (v2) Changelog

(*) In case you do not have Microsoft Office, you can use the RHRK's windows terminal server:
(**) The ODP versions for OpenOffice or LibreOffice have bugs due to conversion from PPTX. For instance, the deconvolution symbol is depicted as a box. They have been uploaded upon demand by students. Please refer to the PPTX versions if in doubt.

Exercise Material

We strongly recommend you to work on the exercises, since they are crucial to get a good grasp on math-heavy lectures.

Moreover, exercise content can and will be part of exam.

Exercise 1     Announcement (2016/11/11)     Exercise Sheet (2016/11/18)      Class Hours:      Tue, Nov 29, 15h30
    Material Fri, Dec 02, 15h30  (rescheduled)
      both are held in room 36/438 
Exercise 2 Announced in lecture 2016/12/16 Exercise Sheet (2016/12/23) Class Hours:        Fri, Jan 06, 15h30
   Correction for the Friday class: In Assignment 2, the distance Tue, Jan 10, 15h30
    between arrivals is fixed at the period p.  both are held in room 36/438
    Therefore, we get instances (n-1)p-2j.  
Exercise 3 Announced in lecture 2017/01/27 Exercise Sheet Class Hours:        Fri, Feb 03, 15h30
      Tue, Feb 07, 15h30
      both are held in room 36/438


  • Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Patrick Thiran. Network Calculus. Springer, 2001. (Also →available online)

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