

New exam dates.


The next oral exams can be taken on July 3 and August 4.

For a registration, please contact our secretary Mrs. Gerber (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Mondays, 10:00-11:30 in room 36-438 (seminar room)


Mondays, 13:45-15:15 in room 36-438 (will always be announced)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt
M.Sc. Paul Nikolaus
or follow us on Twitter (WoCADS)

Course Overview

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the art of performance-related modeling of distributed systems. We will use worst-case assumptions in order to obtain robust results.

Lecture Slides

The lecture material is only accessible from within the university network (131.246.*). Please use SSH or VPN for remote access. 

Chapter Title Last Update Slides
0  Organization Oct 29, 2019 PDF
1  Introduction Oct 30, 2019 PDF
2 Min-Plus Algebra Primer Nov 18, 2019 PDF  annotated
3 Network Calculus Basics Jan 13, 2020 PDF  annotated  one_slide_to_rule
4 Advanced Network Calculus Feb 03, 2020 PDF  annotated  network_analysis


We will provide a script in the further course. Be aware that it might undergo many changes and hence should never be seen as a "final version".

Last Update Changelog Script
June 1, 2020 Improved explanation in Section 4.3 Feedback Systems  PDF


The exercise sheets are only accessible from within the university network (131.246.*). You can use SSH or VPN for remote access.

Sheet Day Submission Deadline Exercise Download
1 Nov 18, 2019 Submission is optional 13:45 PDF
2 Dec 16, 2019 9.59am 13:45 PDF  data_set
3 Jan 13, 2020 9.59am 13:45 PDF
4 Feb 10, 2020 9.59am 13:45 PDF



  • Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Patrick Thiran. Network Calculus. Springer, 2001. (Also →available online)
  • Cheng-Shang Chang, Performance Guarantees in Communication Networks. Springer, 2000.
  • Anne Bouillard, Marc Boyer, and Euriell Le Corronc. Deterministic Network Calculus: From Theory to Practical Implementation. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
  • Jörg Liebeherr. Duality of the Max-Plus and Min-Plus Network Calculus. Foundations and Trends® in Networking 11, 2017.

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