
Send me a pre version of the project report until Friday March 6th.

The presentation will be on Monday March 9th at 8:30 in the morning in our seminar room (36.438).

Send the final version of the project report until March 16th.


M.Sc. Eric Jedermann


This year's project will be about Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) security. BLE is a part of the Bluetooth communication technology, designed for embedded devices with local connectivity and low data rates.

Many "smart" devices, available in every tech-market, are controllable via BLE. Often the security of those devices is insufficient. We plan to get some of these devices, analyze their security, create an application to control the device and break the security.

 Official module entry: [89-4245] INF-42-45-L-6

Schedule and Slides

Class time Title Slides Last Updated
Nov 12, 5.15pm (36-438) Kickoff Meeting kick-off 14.11.19
5th December, 5.15pm (36-438) Phase 2 (get the BLE device) PDF 9.12.19
16th January, 5.15pm (36-438) Phase 3 (attack & report) PDF  16.1.2020




Every group examined an individual BLE device and has written a report about their experiments. Every report introduces the examined device and the public available vendor app. In the next step every group created their own application to access the BLE device. Then they used their gained knowledge to analyze the security of the device and perform attacks against it. Three devices were examined:

The reports are accessible from inside the university.


  • Programming knowledge is required (we will use Android Studio Java/Kotlin).
  • Lecture "Communication systems" is required.
  • Lecture "Network security" is recommended.
  • ... You should be interested in security.


It will be a group project. It is planned to have group sizes of 2 to 4 people.

Recommended Readings






Write your thesis with a disco advisor

We offer a variety of bachelor and master theses at any point in the academic year. Also check out some of our completed theses. Read more...

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