

The lecture is organized via OLAT.
PW: integer


Mon 10:00 - 11:30 roughly every other week
(flipped classroom)
in room 36-438


Mon 15:30 - 17:00 (online)
(announced each time)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt
M.Sc. Anja Hamscher
Dr. rer. nat. Paul Nikolaus

Course Overview

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the art of performance-related modeling of distributed systems. We will use worst-case assumptions in order to obtain robust results. 


  • Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Patrick Thiran. Network Calculus. Springer, 2001. (available online)
  • Cheng-Shang Chang, Performance Guarantees in Communication Networks. Springer, 2000.
  • Anne Bouillard, Marc Boyer, and Euriell Le Corronc. Deterministic Network Calculus: From Theory to Practical Implementation. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
  • Jörg Liebeherr. Duality of the Max-Plus and Min-Plus Network Calculus. Foundations and Trends® in Networking 11, 2017. (available online)

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