

Approx. 6-8 blocks on fridays; exact dates TBA


Dr. Kai Lampka

Course Overview

The lecture opens the door for you to become a future embedded systems programmer, where we start from scratch. This means, first, we have a detailed introduction to the C-programming languages and deepen our newly learned C-programming skills by looking at a fairly simple Real-time Operating System called FreeRTOS. We look at concepts, programming patterns and problems inherent to embedded real-time systems and features of the ARM Cortex M architecture, and hit topics such as the programming of interrupt service routines, bit-band aliasing and memory protection units. This is followed by a deep dive into the programming of embedded Linux, where we do not stop at the Kernel-interface. Finally, we look at programming of multicore systems on top of a microkernel and take note of the latest HW virtualization techniques. I welcome all those of you who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get ready for some coding.


Course Organization

The course will be organized through OLAT. Link TBA.

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