
We have added a guideline for the final report.


M.Sc. Paul Nikolaus

M.Sc. Carolina Nogueira

Or follow #PEDSproject and @DISCO_Teaching.


This year's project will be about simulating a queuing network and evaluating its performance. Queuing networks are an essential component of our communication and a model close to reality is an important, yet challenging subject.

An important aspect will be the construction of particular modules of which the network will be composed. We plan to implement arrival (memoryless, self-similar) traffic and scheduling properties (FIFO, priority queue) in order to mimic different kinds of networks.

 Official module entry: [89-4245] INF-42-45-L-6

Schedule and Slides

Class time Title Slides Homework
Nov 22, 5.30pm Kickoff Meeting PDF  
Jan 10, 3.30pm I. Introduction to Queueing Theory PDF PDF
Jan 17, 3.30pm II. Limited Buffers and Multiple Servers PDF PDF
Jan 24, 3.30pm III. Queueing Networks PDF PDF
Jan 31, 3.30pm     PDF
Feb 7, 3.30pm IV. Intro to Stochastic Network Calculus PDF  PDF 
Feb 16, 3.30pm V. SNC-e2e Analysis PDF PDF
Feb 21, 3.30pm Final Presentation PDF  

 All the solutions have to submitted until next week's Tuesday, 11.59pm.

Final Report

You can find a guideline for the final report here (PDF). Deadline is March 8, 11.59pm.


The project will be presented on Monday, March 5, starting at 2pm.

Student Groups

Team CHIP:

Sachinkumar Bavikatti Mallikarjun
Marco Meides
Junhan Sui

Team DALE:

Kevin Kirsch
Deepak Paramashivam
Yash Rohilla
Alexander Scheffler


Previous programming knowledge is required (we will use C++). You should also be interested in queuing networks ;-)


It will be a group project. We will decide on the group sizes based on the number of participants.

Recommended Readings






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