

Exam results were published via email (contact Matthias if you didn't receive anything)


Post-exam review is on Friday, March 29 at 2 pm in room 36-438


On Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30, in room 13-222


Matthias Schäfer
Carolina Nogueira
or follow us on Twitter

Course Overview

This course covers aspects and principles of network security. Based on many attacks on common technologies used in communication systems, this course illustrates how things can go wrong and provides basic measures to protect a network from mistakes committed in the past. It covers furthermore the fundamental concepts of security and security problems.

Areas covered in this lecture:

  • Physical and Link Layer Security
  • Network Layer Security
  • Transport Layer Security
  • Application Layer Security

Please note that it is strongly recommended to attend communication systems first since it provides the background knowledge for this lecture.


To participate in the exercise, you need to register here. The registration will be open until 06/11/2018. Note that the three choices must be made due to a restriction of the registration form and they don't have any effect or meaning.

The exercises will be split into two parts: a workshop and a network hack challenge. Successful participation both parts is a mandatory admission requirement for the final exam.

The workshop (first exercise) website can be found here.

The website for the first hack challenge can be found here.


The slides are accessible only from within the university network (131.246.*). Please use SSH or VPN for remote access.

Title Last Update
Organization 29.10.2018 PDF
Introduction 29.10.2018 PDF
Physical- & Link-Layer 13.12.2018 PDF
Network- & Transport-Layer 26.01.2018 PDF
Application Layer 26.01.2018 PDF
Recap 16.03.2018 PDF

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