distributed computer systems




The second exam will take place on the 10th of August, 2015. Details below...


On Fridays at 10:00 - 11:30 in 11-262, starting on October 31st 2014.


The next group meetings are from the 12th to the 14th of January


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt
M.Sc. Matthias Schäfer
or follow us on Twitter

Course Overview

This course gives an introduction to secure communication in computer networks. Topics covered in this lecture include:

  • history of secure communication
  • symmetric cryptography: DES, 3DES, AES
  • asymmetric cryptography: RSA, Diffie-Hellman, El Gamal
  • hash functions: SHA1, MD5
  • cryptographic protocols: Secret Sharing, Needham-Schroeder, Kerberos, X.509
  • other security relevant topics: random number generation, birthday problem


The slides are accessible only from within the university network (131.246.*). Please use SSH or VPN for remote access.

Chapter Title Slides
0 Organization PDF
1 Introduction PDF
2 Symmetric Cryptography PDFa  PDFb  PDFc
3 Asymmetric Cryptography PDFa  PDFb  PDFc
4 Modification Detection, Message Authentication


5 Cryptographic Protocols



The final results of the second exam can be accessed from within the university network here: PDF.

The final results of the first exam can be accessed from within the university network here: PDF.


Start: First week of december
Mode: biweekly
Registration: (closes on 6/11/14 at 23:59)
  Note: registration only accessible from within the university network

The exercise sheets are accessible only from within the university network (131.246.*). Please use SSH or VPN for remote access.

Published Covered Topics Download
17.11.2014 Introduction, Symmetric Cryptography PDF
27.11.2014 Data Encryption Standard, Modes of Operation PDF
10.12.2014 RSA PDF
07.01.2015 Diffie-Hellman, ElGamal, Elliptic Curve Cryptography PDF
02.02.2015 Hash Functions, Crypto Protocols, Digital Cash PDF



This seminar focuses on research issues in software-defined networking (SDN), which currently evolves into a paradigm shift in how we build and manage computer networks. Here are a few links to introductions:

You will be able to practice working on current research literature, presenting a scientific topic, and your programming ability. The latter is crucial for your grade as all presentations have to be supported by an interactive visualization of an important aspect of your paper.

As a prerequisite, we assume students of the seminar have basic knowledge on computer networks and good English proficiency. Literature and presentations will be in English.

Department, ModuleID Computer Science (89) – 4271 Mobile Computing (Seminar)
KIS-Entry INF-42-71-S-7 (only valid during winter term 2014/2015)
presence hours, CP Seminar (2S), 4 CP
Kick-Off Meeting: November 4, 17:15h in room 36-438
Slides of the Kick-Off Meeting presentation.pdf

Daniel Berger,Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt, our official twitter account



1) Presentation

  • prepare slides for a presentation of 30 minutes (+/-2 minutes) + presenting your interactive visualization in about 5 minutes, and a Q&A of about 10 minutes (for a total of 45 minutes)
  • use academic slide guidelines as in "How to prepare and deliver a presentation"
  • plain, high-contrast slides, e.g., by using one of the disco templates
  • spell check your English

2) Interactive Visualization

The visualization should

  • focus on one (or a limited few) aspects of your paper
  • be interactive
  • be coded by yourself, but you may use library support without restrictions.

Here are some simple animation libraries for HTML5+JS:

You may also use Java Applets/ ... whatever runs in a major browser (best case: without requiring plugins).

3) Related Work Section

  • describe the context of the papers you'll present
  • 1500 - 2000 words, 2-5 pages
  • use the Latex IEEEtran template in the conference format (bare_conf)
  • you should cite about 10-15 papers (ask your advisor)


Seminar Topics and Deadlines

Group 1 (Presentations on December 15 in 36-265)

Meet up with advisor:   November 12
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables:   November 24, 11.59pm
Final Submission deadline:   December 8, 11.59pm
Presentation Day of Group 1 (see below)   December 15, 9am - approx. 1pm in 36-265


1 Historic Overview, why SDNs?, Standardization

OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks, SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2008

A Survey of software-defined networking: past, present, and future of programmable networks, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS, 2014

OpenFlow Switch Specification 1.4.0, Open Networking Foundation, 2013

Enes Kurtanovic

Daniel Berger

2 Systems view: Controllers

NOX: towards an operating system for networks, SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2008

Towards an Elastic Distributed SDN Controller, HotSDN, 2013

Muhamad Fahru Rozi

Michael Beck

3 Achieving Scalability

Devoflow: scaling flow management for high-performance networks, SIGCOMM, 2011

Sandor Dalecke

Hao Wang

5 Hardware Design Hey, you darned counters!: get off my ASIC!, HotSDN, 2012 Markus Gräb Daniel Berger

Group 2 (Presentations on January 12 in 36-336)

Meet up with advisor:   December 8
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables:   December 22, 11.59pm
Final Submission deadline:   January 5, 11.59pm
Presentation Day of Group 2 (see below)   January 12, 9am - 1pm in 36-336


6 Traffic Engineering

Traffic engineering in software defined networks (acc. req. uni-IP), INFOCOM, 2013

B4: Experience with a globally-deployed software defined WAN, SIGCOMM, 2013

Subin Joseph

Wint Yi Poe

7 Green Computing Software defined green data center network with exclusive routing, INFOCOM, 2014 Chotala Paresh Wint Yi Poe
8 Enterprise Networking Problems Meet SDN and the Cloud

Making middleboxes someone else's problem: network processing as a cloud, SIGCOMM, 2012

Daniel Danger

Hao Wang

9 Achieving "More" Security with SDNs

FRESCO: Modular Composable Security Services for Software-Defined Networks, NDSS, 2013

Markus Fögen

Matthias Schäfer

10 DDoS Attack Detection Lightweight DDoS flooding attack detection using NOX/OpenFlow (acc. req. uni-IP), IEEE LCN, 2010

Denial-of-service attack-detection techniques (acc. req. uni-IP), IEEE Internet Computing, 2006

InfoSec Institute Blog Post

Yannick Krück Daniel Berger

Group 3 (Presentations on Januaray 19 in 36-336)

Meet up with advisor:   December 15
Submission deadline for draft version of deliverables:   December 29, 11.59pm
Final Submission deadline:   January 12, 11.59pm
Presentation Day of Group 3 (see below)   January 19, 9am - approx. 1pm in 36-336
11 Debugging Networks

Where Is the Debugger for My Software-Defined Network?, HotSDN 2012

Sebastian Lang

Michael Beck

13 Formal Verification

Header Space Analysis: Static Checking for Networks, NSDI, 2012

Sebastian Schweizer

Steffen Bondorf

15 Security Problems within SDNs

Openflow vulnerability assessment, HotSDN, 2013

Towards secure and dependable software-defined networks, HotSDN, 2013.

Florian Tack

Matthias Schäfer

*(acc. req. uni-IP)* indicates that there is no open-access version of this paper available. The link goes to a publisher, which either requires you to pay or to use the university subscription. The later is free of charge - however, this only works if you're connecting to the server from within the university IP range (e.g., by using Eduroam WiFi, one of the terminal-room computers, or a VPN connection).


  • Smart Systems
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Communication Systems
  • Performance Analysis

Project Description

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are increasingly used for monitoring, automation and control in cyber-physical systems such as industrial facilities. There, a WSN usually reports sensory data to a central control instance — a safety-critical task that requires predictable network performance in order to timely detect potentially hazardous deviations from normal operation.

Predicting the the actual performance of a WSN is hard. It highly depends on application requirements and the derived network setting. On the one hand, it might be necessary to have separate sensors for different tasks such as temperature monitoring of an area or reporting of a machine’s log data. Furthermore, some properties are to be captured by multiple sensors simultaneously in order to identify a single sensor’s misbehavior and to prevent erroneous conclusions. Thus, such wireless networks are usually dense and impose a high communication workload on nodes, high contention on the medium and increasing transmission delays on data flows.

Obviously, the setting derived from the application requirements (sensor density, sensor distribution, sensing frequency, etc.) will make compliance with strict real-time requirements difficult. Therefore, we will approach the design of WSNs as well as their performance evaluation in the PEDS project. The goal is to learn the basics of modeling WSNs, especially the use of their shared resources, and to predict their performance. The mathematical framework we use even allows the derivation of performance guarantees, making sure that application deadlines are never violated.


Departmemt. Module ID   

Computer Science (89) – 4245 Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems (Project) 


INF-42-45-L-6 (only valid during winter term 2014/15)

Time frame:

Either during the semester

or  6-7 weeks en block in the lecture-free period (first quarter of 2015).

-- Will be discussed in the kick-off meeting -- 



Kick-Off Meeting:

November 11, 17:15h in room 36-438


Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest.


M.Sc. Steffen Bondorf


Some new slides for short-term performance management  are online. 

The exercises will be on Thursday 11:45 - 13:15 in room 36/438.

IMPORTANT: we changed the class room to 36/438!

Course Overview

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the basics of performance managment in communication networks on multiple time-scales. The contents are as follows:

1. Introduction & Motivation
2. Long-Term Performance Management
Network Design
Traffic Modelling
3. Medium-Term Performance Management
Traffic Engineering / Routing
Content Distribution / Caching
4. Short-Term Performance Management
Packet-Level Dynamics
Packet Scheduling
5. Conclusion and Outlook


Lecture: On Tuesdays at 11:45h–13:15h in 36/438 starting on April 22nd, 2014
Exercise: Exercises are held on a biweekly basis. Dates on exercises will be announced.

The oral exam dates are: 28th of July and 2nd of October.

Make sure that you register for Quantas. By all means do not register for MDS (Mobility in Distributed Systems) - it is a different lecture.

Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt

Dipl.-Math. Michael Beck


Lecture Slides

Chapter Title Slides
0 Organization pdf
1 Introduction pdf
2 Long-Term Performance Management (part 1)


  Long-Term Performance Management (part 2)


  Wireless Sensor Network Design (expert talk by Dr. Wint Yi Poe)


  Long-Term Performance Management (part 3)


3 Medium-Term Performance Management (part 1+2, all of routing)


  Medium-Term Performance Management (part 3)


4 Short-Term Performance Management (part1)


  Short-Term Performance Management (part2)


  Short-Term Performance Management (part3)


Exercise Sheets

We strongly recommend you to work on the exercises, since they are crucial to get a good grasp on math-affine lectures.

We recommend to go to the exercises fully prepared, meaning: you should be able to present your solutions to the other students on the blackboard.

For programming exercises we recommend the usage of the statistical software R (see http://www.r-project.org/)

Sheet Session Date Links
Sheet 1, Supplement 15th of May, 2014. 11:45 in 36/438  positions.txt, positions2.txt, R-files
Sheet 2 5th of June, 2014, 11:45 in 36/438  
Sheet 3 12th of June, 2014, 11:45 in 36/438 node-incidence.txt, capacities.txt, demands.txt
Sheet 4 10th of July 2014, 11:45 in 36/438  


  • TBD



Lecture: On Tuesdays at 11:45h – 13:15h in 46/210 starting on April 16th, 2013

Note: Lecture location changed to 36/438 (DISCO seminar room) from April 30th on


Excercise: NEW: For exam preparation purposes some exercise material has been provided further below on this page.


Contact: Dipl.-Inf. Adam Bachorek


Course Overview


In this course students are supposed to obtain a detailed understanding of functions, structure and principles of mobile communication systems:


  • Interworking between infrastructure and mobile end systems
  • Diverse architectural alternatives
  • Mobility support on different layers
  • Mobile base technologies
  • Internet technology-based mobility


Covered topics include:


  • Phenomena of mobile and wireless communication
  • Basics of cellular networks
  • Mobile systems: GSM, UMTS, LTE, broadcast systems
  • Selected mobile systems from the IEEE 802 family: 802.11x (infrastructure based modes), 802.16, 802.20
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Mobile IPv4/v6
  • Micromobility protocols: Cellular IP, Hierarchical MobileIP, Fast MobileIP
  • Seamless session mobility for real-time applications
  • TCP over mobile networks: performance evaluation and tuning
  • Mobility support on the application layer


  • Jochen Schiller. Mobilkommunikation. 2. überarbeitete Auflage, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
  • Relevant standard documents (IETF RFCs, ITU-T specifications, IEEE standards, ...) will be referenced throughout the course.


Lecture Slides


ChapterTitleLast UpdateSlides (pdf)
- List of Acronyms 2013-04-15 (1x1) (2x1)
0 Organization 2013-04-15 (1x1) (4x1)
1 Introduction 2013-04-30 (1x1) (4x1)
2 Wireless Transmission 2013-04-26 (1x1) (4x1)
3 Media Access 2013-04-26 (1x1) (4x1)
4 Wireless Sensor Networks 2013-05-20 (1x1) (4x1)
4 Wireless Data Communication Systems 2013-06-03 (1x1) (4x1)
5 Telecommunication Systems 2013-06-17 (1x1) (4x1)
6 Mobility at the Network Layer 2013-07-01 (1x1) (4x1)
7 Mobility at the Transport Layer 2013-07-07 (1x1) (4x1)
8 Mobility at the Application Layer 2013-07-16 (1x1) (4x1)




1 G.Marconi, "Das Unsichtbare Netz" Link
4 802.11 - DCF with Hidden Terminals Applet
4 802.11 - DCF without Hidden Terminals Applet


Lab Exercise Slides


Access to the slides listed below requires authentication. In case no Email containing the required details has been received yet, exercise participants can request them via Email to Adam Bachorek submitting full name and immatriculation number.

For those who remember, please use the same credentials as used during the exercise sessions for PC login :-)

TitleSlides (pdf)
Lab Exercise 1 - Wireless LANs (1x1) (4x1)
Lab Exercise 2 - Wireless Sensor Networks (1x1) (4x1)



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