Course Overview

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the art of perfomance-related modeling of complex distributed systems.

  • Performance dimensioning of planned systems
  • Performance control of running systems
  • Quality of service guarantees in distributed systems
  • Resource management in distributed systems

The focus will be on different analytical methods for performance modeling:

  • Tail-bounded Network Calculus
  • MGF-bounded Network Calculus
  • Application examples / case studies



Lecture: On Tuesdays at 10:00h–11:30h in 48/379 starting on October 29th, 2013


Exercise: Exercises are held on a biweekly basis, Fridays at 11:45h-13:15h in 36/438 (DISCO seminar-room), starting at 8th of November.
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Schmitt

Dipl.-Math. Michael Beck

Lecture Slides

Chapter Title Slides
0 Organization pdf
1 Introduction pdf
2 Basics of Probability Skriptslides
3 Arrival Bounds pdfannotations (25.11.13)annotations (03.12.13)annotations (10.12.13)
4 Service Bounds

pdf (for 10.12.13) annotations (10.12.13), annotations (17.12.13)

pdf (for 7.1.14), annotations (7.1.14)

5 Performance Bounds pdf (for 14.1.14), annotations (14.1.14)
5 Performance Bounds pdf (for 21.1.14), annotations (21.1.14)

Michael's Skript

Most of the topics covered in the lectures and exercises are also treated in this skript. But be aware that the contents of this course and the here presented skript might deviate from time to time.

The skript got updated. If you have downloaded it before 6th of November, please download it again.

Michael's Skript (Chapter 1)

Michael's Skript (Chapter 2.1)

Michael's Skript (Chapter 2.2)

Michael's Skript (Chapter 3.1)

Michael's Skript (Chapter 3.2)

Michael's Skript (Chapter 3.3)

Exercise Sheets

We strongly recommend you to work on the exercises, since they are crucial to get a good grasp on math-heavy lectures.

We recommend to go to the exercises fully prepared, meaning: you should be able to present your solutions to the other students on the blackboard.

Sheet Session Date Links
1 2013-11-08 pdf
2 2013-11-22 pdf
3 2013-12-06 pdf
4 2013-12-17 pdf
5 2013-01-17 pdf
6 2013-01-31 pdf


  • Jean-Yves Le Boudec, Patrick Thiran. Network Calculus. Springer, 2001. (Also →available online)
  • Cheng-Shang Chang, Performance Guarantees in Communication Networks. Springer, 2000.
  • Yuming Jiang, Stochastic Network Calculus. Springer, 2008.

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